:. In the end, most people were very satisfied with their decision and plenty. Posted by 2 days ago. My situation is this: last year at this time I was injured and considered myself disabled, I walked with a cane and my back and neck were in constant pain. This subreddit is for binary FTMs. The documents arrived there on December 6th. There was a bit of a learning curve to it, and you need to keep it powdered so it won't become sticky and weird, but for $20 , I was very happy! The tight end is great! I also sometimes use the bigger end and squeeze it around me. It's been a very fun and wholesome space so far. I’m tired of being “cute”. Hands down the best body hair trimmer out there is the Phillips OneBlade. It isn’t a concrete thing that some people have and some don’t. If there's. Like I know I would have been labeled a creep in my teen/20s if I was perceived as male. The only thing you can know for sure is if specific actions you take towards transitioning make you feel good or not. So when he gets topped by. I’m really interested in this modular design idea they have. And for anyone wondering, transplants are a bad idea for this. ago. Never tried them, but honestly most classic fit T-shirts are going to be very flattering on people who need to hide hips imo. ItsJustLitBro • 3 hr. . I think the 6 replies within an hour means there's probably more than enough demand. new balances add height. Regarding Boys Don't Cry: this is a wildly controversial. Also, dont skip out on contour! Before I grew a beard, a little bit of masc contour helped subtly give my face the shape I wanted. pumpkinpotemkin • 2 yr. It comes in three widths (three, four, and five inches) and is sold in a continuous 16. Go to FTMMen r/FTMMen • by. The biggest is social. I live in a college town so there’s a decent number of trans men. mgquantitysquared • 1 yr. Still, lesson learned. ago. If you say so, but all I hear from you NOW is excuses why their behavior is just fine and normal when in your post you said words like: "I’m sick of being teased for being straight". Stunted. I did months of research and read as many experiences as I could, and I spoke one-on-one with a bunch of people on reddit and tiktok and other forums to ask specific questions about their experiences and if they had any regrets or advice. I don't have personal experience with it - but the company Underworks/F2M makes swimming binders (just tops, and shorts separate) and suits (think like a wrestling singlet or tank/bodysuit). 2. It's annoying but it's normal. It’s time to remedy this problem by providing safe and affirming spaces. "Wanting validation from cishet men" is a lot different from "Wanting to fit in with the guys. My most popular series (self-published, now) is The Phisher King (cis M/M romantic thriller) and one of the supporting characters is a trans man. He passes extremely well and is post op along with being 4 years on T. Thank you. Oh yeah. . Just a little, too much goes into raccoon territory. If smoking and T/E do interact, it’s probably no more than how it would affect someone who is cis and produces those hormone levels naturally. [deleted] •. We want acceptance from the men in our lives. Typically someone with content will assign a utm code for the different channels that they want to keep track of as sources for traffic- a utm for email newsletter, a separate one for Twitter, another for Reddit posts etc. Sometimes it takes a long time to be able to pass. Female identities tend to be seen as more diverse by women. I knew I was trans since I was 14, but obvious signs were there as a kid. 574 if ur into trends, 990s or 993 if u want the dad vibe. so they feel comfortable saying things like “well men. I went to a workshop at PTWC this year where they passed around different prosthetics and was most impressed by GenderCat. This thread is archived. Based on the comments on your deleted posts, it seemed to be about enby people. Men seem to take things way more at face value and see masculine = man. ago I just chatted with the owners of my company (also very small) and came out to them and told them when I wanted to change my name at work. South, bible belt, all of that. There is systematic misandry, but not as prevalent as systematic misogyny. (This doesnt really fit here, but this is the only sub-reddit I feel comfortable venting this, hope its ok) I had a. There’s the obvious problem of representation. But I really like the stroker I got from Fantasticocks on Etsy. I've been on Testosterone since June of 2018. It contains advice on questioning, coming out, passing, testosterone, surgery, legal proceedings and more; and contains various other resources and items of interest. honestly no idea, i have the same pain tolerance as my mom and always have. While it does, it doesn’t increase it to a level higher than that of cis men. ago. Cake Stroker Toy Review. I think the classic and one of the most common answers is ReelMagik. And when you’re feeling your lowest, doing something good daily will help you feel more purpose in your life. The sub doesn't like topics in this sub to focus on enby people because it's intended for us binary trans men, who often get a lot of hostility towards us from enby people. Works for everything. Feeling. So wouldn't say that it's a change caused by T, but more so that it's an effect caused by having the correct hormones + going through the proper puberty. Changing Documents. The problem is misandry has now become commonplace. It absolutely does matter how you look if you want positive attention from women. I put my gel on every night right before bed, so swimming the next day is fine for me to do. It’s true that you could get positive “attention” from supportive friends. I was on twitter a while back, and the user posted a screenshot of two comments on a certain subreddit that will remain unnamed, essentially predicting or "speculating", whatever the hell you wanna call it, about two trans dudes detransitioning in the future. The transman in question is a bottom and he mostly does self shot work. And try to get everything in one or similar color. Gendercat has ones that you can pick the size of. FreakingTea • 10 mo. Hey guys. Man, fuck them kids. Add a Comment. Name change in California. ago. When they see a muscular masc trans guy, all of a sudden they feel threatened. The reason ftmmen was made because in other spaces, nonbinary often was the expected or majority, which led to feelings of not belonging and dysphoria when nonbinary was the expected audience and manhood was not something trans men were granted in their own spaces. People responded positively to him (his name's Sam, and he's an FBI analyst), so the third book starred Sam and his love interest. But, other than my nb friends (who cannot be stealth because they use they/them), all the non- cis people I know are stealth. )Unless they’re someone you’ll actively socialize with, like hang out with, don’t bother correcting them, is my opinion. You have to be on immunosuppressive medication for the rest of your life, which can have life-threatening consequences. ie usual recommended time being no more than 6-8 hours in a day, being pregnant don't wear it for more than 3-4. I've been wearing doc martens for years, the classic 1460 boot, but unfortunately it's become very worn out and honestly kind of tight (I owned them. ago. My only advice is maybe try inserting the needle perpendicular to your leg so that it's more diagonal to the floor instead of parallel. I think ftmmen is a pretty good community but in any support based sub, it’s always hard to keep people around in the support role if they’re not feeling listened to. I definitely don't plan on giving up. I honestly think in certain aspects my maturity has been hampered by being in this female body (I'm 35 and just started transitioning). Randomguy6969696996 • 2 yr. I wouldn’t waste energy correcting them. But I still acted feminely because I needed to. Even if there were great times, I absolutely had a not great upbringing, and was held back in many ways. ago. If I made Reddit-dollars, I can’t socially construct them to have value all by myself. Air maxes give an inch boost. Even masculine trans women are still women, so in a cis person’s brain they can check off the safe feminine box. . I know an issue people have with STPs is that they can’t have a flaccid filled-in shaft because of the tubing and they make a popping sound when squished, so I feel like it would be neat if we could have flaccid “rods” for STP and 3-in-1 packers, like how there are erection rods. Really hard to maneuver around anatomy down there and next to impossible to shave around folds. Yes there's plenty of trans guys on Grindr but tbh I hate Grindr it sucks lmao. -Level up your style. The current demographic is predominantly binary trans men in their 20s onward, who have gone through or are undergoing medical transition but we’re an inclusive group and welcome anyone trans masc (who is 18+) and feels they would like to take part. it really hurts, and it’s invalidating because she (and other women) don’t see me as a man. RyuichiSakuma13 • 1 min. But the more superficial fat pockets on your face (ie closer to the skin) do lose volume over time. Stunted : r/FTMMen. We don’t have to put up with content and spaces that are toxic to us, so heres a few new subs: r/FTMmenporn. 27K subscribers in the FTMMen community. 53 votes, 54 comments. ago. I think ftmmen is a pretty good community but in any support based sub, it’s always hard to keep people around in the support role if they’re not feeling listened to. That’s a utm tag that people use to follow the source of traffic. Get a plain or with shapes bedspread. i’ve always wondered if were weird because little things tend. A few weeks ago I started a Discord server for straight trans guys: We are respectful of all folks, but it's not really a place for queer topics outside being trans, so you might find you fit in. I've liked girls for as long as I can remember. Addressing both of these issues would likely make non-cross-gender casting of cis people in trans roles a minimal issue. Try to reduce the cluster of items and get a very simplistic look. In the first trimester he advised to not use it anymore than half the usual recommended time. SpeakableFart • 6 mo. 5ft rolls. Example being “testosterone increases your risk for heart attack”. Mine says 2-6 hours on it. My advice: talk to your doctor, either your PCP, the person prescribing you T, or a planned Parenthood if you have one near you. A support and community oriented space for binary FTM men. 1. After a certain age, the skinny look seems kind of adolescent imo. T might be the cause of confidence and helping refuse the symptoms of dysphoria that caused severe depression. No no no you aren't being too sensitive at all. It may or may not be what you’re looking for but they also have a version of the same thing that’s made to be a larger penis prosthetic. you see, my mom’s a feminist. Hang up some of the more masculine items you have (video games, consoles, toys, fugurines and stuff) and hide away all the feminine stuff in a drawer/closet. Maybe if it was like a week or month or even a couple months, but that’s not the case. Some may appear smaller, larger, or entirely new, and some may appear to vanish. You literally just gotta get a haircut, workout and dress nice and you’ll be fine. People need to stop seeing male masculinity as inherently negative. The company Both& makes swimming tanks (and maybe swimming shorts but I can't remember) but I don't know if they incorporate the binding or if they are. although i would not be shocked if there’s some hormone stuff linked to how the brain process pain regarding emotions. I think the way you phrased it, you're almost pathologizing something that isn't that complicated. Yeah, I have to say that the main ftm sub has a much broader peanut gallary. It can restrict oxygen intake and that's incredibly important for the developing baby. Also if you don’t have muscular arms. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you and it doesn't mean that you won't pass in the future. Some of the urls above have utm/etc tacked on the end. A stocky man is still somewhat better than being a stocky woman in society. Additionally, your body can spontaneously decide to reject the organ at any time even with immunosuppressive medications. bipirate • 1 yr. Affirming NSFW Subreddits. ago. I know most transmasc NSFW subs have become cringingly fetishizing, dysphoria-inducing, chaser-bating shitholes. Are they safe to order from? Urbasics. I'm pretty secure in my. You're not an asshole. Every cis man I encounter has called me some variation of the following: “Adorably handsome” “Cutie” “Heckin’ cute” “Soft”. Originally wrote this right after the incident, so I was just super depressed about it lmao. ago. Some of the things the person said was on par as what transphobic. "Binary" here is defined as "not nonbinary," aka just identifying as male or a man: this subreddit is for Female to MALE trans people. Even before the memes took over, you’d have people on ftm post literally the same question as one asked an hour previously. “Trans” is just a word to describe someone who doesn’t identify with their assigned sex at birth. Like femininity is seen as weak so feminine trans women are “safer. Testosterone changes the facet you view the stone through, and so some of those inclusions look different from the new angle. ago. If a trans man is fem they can still claim a safety. theRealMeJ • 2 yr. I’ve decided to try dating again or at least hooking up and generally stick with Bumble or Scruff, but remember why I hate it. Vent/Rant. If we addressed both with the same seriousness, I think overtime things could improve. MiloShroomz • 1 yr. As general rule if someone comes to you and tells you something you did that made them feel a particular kinda way, you aren't supposed to question their feelings. Ftmmen : r/ftm • 25 days ago by BeastOfBlack Ftmmen Occasionally I’ll find some rather good advice on the sub, but recently I’ve noticed a lot of transmedicalism saying people. The best thing you can do is just put pressure on it immediately after taking the needle out. level 1 · 2 mo. I couldn’t get through the first half of the debate. If you're "macho" or hypermasculine, then that's just you. [deleted] • 1 yr. The LGBTQ community has not bothered to imagine trans men as. Just know they are trying to be polite to the best of their ability. " Having friendships with cis men and masculine men is important to me and likely important for the. You're allowed to be masculine as a trans man and as a bisexual man! Like, I'm pretty androgynous and bi, but it's not because I'm bi, it's because that's just how I am. But in the past 6-7 months, I've…You’re totally right I’m so aware of the fact that the whole reason i feel like this is because I’m pre t and like i said my dysphoria is all over the place and it’s only getting worse with time which made me think of a stupid feature like my hands lol I just hope i get on t asap so i can see the good side of things. 21M here. Yes, there are structural and functional differences between male and female brains. At this point, I'm pretty set on getting metoidioplasty instead of phallo because it just seems like the better choice, for me at least. ago.