As He reaches out His hand to bid me rise. So let me love and serve and teach. Christ, the Savior, is born. He cares for the shepherd watching over His sheep. This our hymn of grateful praise. Unmoved, upheld by heaven’s hand. Dear Sally Deford, I am not able to express how much I appreciate your arrangements (piano solo as well as vocal-choral). His kindess stills my aching. He guides the eagle through the pathless air. Teach me some mel o dious son net, sung by flam ing tongues a bove. Nov 29, 2022. When hope is dim in your weary heart. Every test I face, I will overcome. With all my mind and all my might. For we are built upon the Rock of our Redeemer. Hear the angels singing, joyful at thy birth. Come unto Him, ye heavy laden; find your rest in Christ. When there’s love at home. When our hearts are turned to loved ones here. Priceless gift to all, thank you Sally Deford. Child in a manger, sleep. ”. free downloads) Apple Music, Amazon. In the songbird on the air. In the quiet on the hillside. Sally, I love your sense of humor (on the website) and your music. In Eden’s garden while I dreamed. Marveled at His wisdom at the truth they heard him speak. Lyrics. Sleep while the angels sing carols so sweet. My debt is purchased by thy tender mercy. Who makes me more than what I was. Lyrics. The Mighty God of heaven above. Sears; Music by Richard S. And hope was born within the hearts of men. When the Son of God was born. For this accompaniment, all instruments will play from the scores provided. When I’m reaching for the light. He. Listen to All Songs (with vocals) in alphabetical order, a playlist curated by Sally DeFord Music on desktop and mobile. On a holy Christmas night so long ago. Sheet Music Downloads. For He is born, the Child divine. Arrangement for four-hand. With the dawn of redeeming grace. Joseph watched with tender care. Light my spirit with thy grace. Sally J Deford, 63. United by the power of God in pure eternal love. I have used the version below simply because it is my favorite. Redeems the lost, and pays the cost for me. Be thou my soul’s shelter, Be thou my high tow’r. Light that leads to endless Light. All creation bears the sure and silent witness. Welcome! | Sally DeFord Music. Francis of Assisi, alt. Rests this night on the world. Because He Lives SATB - 1: Ü44 2 üû ˆ =Ü 44 4: Ü ¹ 6: Ü üû ¹ =Ü ¹: Ü 8 üû Ü =Ü Because He Lives SATB Sally DeFord H H H about ð 60 freely GGG HHH H H H GGG ÚG H H‹ HH H HVocal Solo By: Sally Deford Topics: Earth/Nature, Heaven…, Home/Family, Prayer, Spirit A Heritage of Hope and a Legacy of Love SSA By: Sally Deford Topics: Hope , Obedience…About the Song. There were cattle round his cradle. I’m the pastor for Liturgy & Music in UCCP Davao in the Philippines, you inspire me a lot through your music composition, especially “Because He Lives” and “He’s My All” were using it in our worship. For He knows my needs; He will walk with me. and things of eternal worth. . Words by James Montgomery (1771-1854) Music by Sally DeFord. PDF: What I Believe - Solo;. For more specific topics (e. Bring me your little ones, Jesus said. Marveled at His wisdom, at the truth they heard Him speak. Silent night, holy night. Lead me to the manger-side. He is my comfort when I fall, and sweet forgiving. Softest hay became his pillow. Take thou my soul, for thou hast bought me. And cradled in her arms the Holy Child. Son of God, love’s pure light. And though we strive amid adversity,Bless this land, thy children pray. Lyrics. Peace descends as the shepherds. With his mercy and might. Had seized their troubled mind. To bid him welcome to my roof. Reflecting heaven’s light. I come to him like the blind and lame. And at His touch my heart is filled with peace. Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. Radiant beams from thy holy face. With the Lord as my companion every step along the way. I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest. Comfort and protect me, and direct me patiently. There is hope in every dawning. I think when I read that sweet story of old. Upon the land or on the rolling sea. Baby in a manger ‘ere the break of day. And yet I know that should I mourn, I need not weep alone. YouTube. He gave me my life, my mind, my heart: I thank him rev’rently. Here you’ll find choral, duet, solo and instrumental sheet music (PDF), and demo recordings for most selections (MP3/YouTube). And make it a heaven on earth. And He blesses me day by day. Some songs appear more than once, sung by different vocalists. Willis. Baby in a manger sleeping on the hay. The average low temperature in the areas around Bethlehem in December is 43 degrees F. Allyse Smith Taylor)℗ 2018. Come home. Aug 9, 2017. Angels came a-singing then. Sally’s arrangement starts in the key of C and transitions up one full step to the key of D. Sent from God to be our King. Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray. 2. Defend us with thine arm forever. I will be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be. He is my way, my truth, my life, my joy in living. Text: Sally DeFord. I have always loved the words to “Rock of Ages,” but for some reason, the 3/4 time always made me feel like it just didn’t give the words the weight they deserved. Years later after hearing a singing so many of Sally DeFord songs I came across this one. Yet others weep for grief that knows no peace. Sleep while the angels watch over their sheep. We always look at your site first when we need a piece, whether it be a solo, small group or choir. Cast your burden on. These aren’t the verses that are traditionally sung, but they were so beautiful they. Trusting his power, they sought him in faith. " D&C 25:12Good afternoon, Sally. Cantatas. All silent ‘neath the star of stars aglow with heaven’s light. Make my hands thine own. My heart rejoices in the bounty set before me. Keep their watch in the field. No earthly wealth have I to give. Chorus: House of learning; house of faith; house of peace and prayer; House of glory; house of God; I’ll feel His presence there. When I found it here again, I wept. To those who came before me in seasons long ago. Above the grey the light of day still waits for me. He enfolds me in the warmth of heaven’s power. Now the Lord, the great I Am. As I keep my spirit pure. → Primary Song Arrangements. For your information, I am Randy Jack’s dad. In a manger, sweet with hay. Arranged by Sally DeFord. He is my strength, He is my song, He is my all. Merribeth on March 26, 2014 at 8:27 pm Love this song Miss Sally! And it’s sung wonderfully by James 🙂 I have been blessed by a lot of your other songs as well. He filled the mighty seas and taught the sparrow how to fly. DeFord was born in 1959 in Eugene, Oregon. Go. (This arrangement is for piano solo, but I’m including the lyrics here for reference. Lift up your heart for He will succor you. I hear a living prophet speak. <3. More Info: Friend. Reply. MP3 files are also available for many songs and there is even a translation section with a limited number of songs in different languages. His presence before me is all that I require. Composition Date: 1993-10-01. He is my refuge and defense in every troubled hour. Pritchard; Arranged for intermediate piano solo by Sally DeFord. I know I can endure. Martens. Pierpoint, Arranged by Sally DeFord. Music: Sally DeFord. Aug 9, 2017Arrangement: Sally DeFord I Am a Child of God ð 80 -96 HHH‹HHHÜHH‹HHH HHHHH HHH HH‹‹H r H‹ H‹ H rG H HHHG (Measures 1-6 may be omitted. How a marvelous thing that all children should know. The Painter’s hand is gentle as He renders. Of one faith, of one heart. Sally DeFord is one of those people so filled with gratitude for her gifts, that she shares them for free. He bought my soul; He paid my debt. I am Anglo in an all-Hmong ward. I like to stay at home; I would rather watch a favorite old movie than try a new one I might hate; my idea of the perfect vacation is taking the phone off the hook for a week and watching my garden grow. Sleep while they haste through the darkness to find thee. . This child of lowly birth. To mold our hearts; to shape our very souls. Use these simple tools. Merry Christmas in September! There Was No Room (Christmas Card 2020) Nov 30, 2020 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart. They always speak so highly of you. For I will stand as a witness of Christ. g. For the love which from our birth. Mary laid the Son she bore. You are a blessing. Allyse Smith Taylor) by Sally DeFord Music published on 2023-06-27T21:41:33Z. The Spirit whispers peace into my soul. It’s a lovely expression of gratitude, joy and hope. Make us one! teach us, Lord, to be. Seek this Jesus of whom the prophets speak. In the arms of my mother, I came to believe. Arranged by Sally DeFord SATB Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Gently, about 70 Soprano/Alto Come, thou fount of ev 'ry bles sing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mer cy, ne ver ceas ing call for songs of loud est praise. He gave me my eyes that I might see. As shepherds kept their lonely vigil, in the fields abiding. He is my solace when I weep, He is my rescue when I call. Be thou ever with me, and I with thee, Lord. Sally DeFord on September 23, 2022 at 7:27 pm A. Help in all our trial, Healer of mankind. By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be;Lyrics. Though I did not see him draw immortal breath. About the composer…. Find out what's new, what's coming up.